Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some Perspective

Since I started this blog, the counter at the bottom has gone from under 78,000 babies aborted to over 80,000.  That's in a little over three days.  I know that the counter is just a measure of statistics--I know it isn't "real time," I know there isn't someone with an abacus sliding a bead every time an appointment ends.  It's hard to take seriously, in fact.  What?  A thousand abortions a day?  That can't be right!

But the sense of growing numbers is very real.  Planned Parenthood (the largest, but by far not the only provider in the country) is quick to tell you that only 2-3% of their clients have abortions, but in the same paragraph they're also proud to serve 5 Million people a year.

What's three percent of 5,000,000?  The counter doesn't seem so radical now, does it?

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